2020 Member Survey

by: Dan Bataglia

First, I want to thank everyone who responded.  I know that surveys can be onerous sometimes.  What I learned foremost is developing a survey is challenging.  There are a lot of questions that I likely could have asked, but I hope that I have asked a few of the right ones that lead to further discussion.  This summary will make comments anonymous comments as much as possible but will include them all. 

My intention is to distribute this document via newsletter and Fernsail discussion board and open the conversation to anyone on that platform.  But I can also email this document directly for those who want it. 

This document will just show the results of the survey. I have my own comments and thoughts that I’m working on as well but wanted the raw results to get out there first before coloring perceptions with my comments.   The questions are listed in the same order that they were in the survey.  A graphic for each question has been created showing raw numbers as well as percent for the multiple-choice questions.  Two questions were scale questions and I have shown the average as well as the raw number of responses in table form.  Essay questions show all the responses.  Questions that had an “Other” category and allowed comments include the comments below each graphic.


Fig 1.

The “other”response just said other. So I’m not sure what that means. Over 100 I guess?


Fig 2

Responses in the “Other” Category:

*Fishing boats

*No longer own a boat but sail with friends



Note: All 7 respondents with powerboats, and Canoes also have sailboats. Seven of 8 respondents with Kayaks also have sailboats.


Fig 3

Responses in the “Other” Category:

* Underway LLC,

* “Unfortunately, Portland”

* (2 listed no details)


Fig 4

Responses in the “Other” Category:

* Boat safety and repair

* Learning about Safety

* Finding parts for the sailboat and assisting with setting buoys in the future,

* Triton YC is the voice for sailors on Fern Ridge, the organization doing the most to represent the interests of boaters like me and my fellow Coots, sailors or not.

* Technical skills development


Fig 5

Responses in the “other” category:

* Ropes/knots class

* New member efforts

* Richardson upkeep and welfare

* Lower the dues…increase membership

* I am a very rookie Captain. I watch close to not make many mistakes.

* Not sure

* TYC needs to make more boaters aware of the role the club plays in supporting non-speedboater on the lake, but we also need to have more fun. Nobody's gonna sign up if there's no fun.

* Communication and ways for more interaction between Orchard Point and Richardson moorage holders.

* I'm too new to the club to offer an opinion.

* Bringing in young people. Create a safe and supportive environment for women Sailors

* More volunteers

* Community events/recruiting

* More volunteers


Fig 6


* Adding more membership, Organized events with other organizations, Planned BBQ's

* Advertise their existence to people, members of the boating community on the lake, the public. DONT STOP RACING OR SPONSORING RACES Get their shit together. I've been a member of the sailing community for 12 years and the first few I was here TYC was strong in representation and fellowship. I thought I would gravitate towards them first before EYC because I identified with their members more. That is until I saw how they snubbed members of the EYC community. So, in giving EYC the finger, so to speak, they became the very thing that they blamed EYC was doing to them. Which I feel led to disorganization and lack of ability to work together and move forward. We are all in the same community simple offering different aspects to boating. They need to lose the stigma or chip on their shoulder. So I became a member a EYC as a result. And because their have a clear direction and structure. And, activities for children.

* Provide a member card. Provide a member packet summarizing the history of the club and describing the "mechanics" of how the club operates.

* Organized events with clear goals and activities that support them. Decision making that clearly follows the mission statement of the club. Host more discussions (in persona and online) to give the people who use the lake a voice.

* annual calendar & consistent newsletter

* Encourage me more to participate.

* Meeting notes. Meetings on better night, maybe Wednesday or Thursday during the off season.

* Member information packets

* More welcoming to young people, women.

* Seeing and meeting more club members at meetings and social events. More field trips, classes and get togethers during the off-season. Getting the club involved in Community efforts.

* I've never felt unwelcome at TYC events and meetings, even before I joined the club. Information about the club and a contact list of members would be very useful. The Coots have a Contact List that is only given to those who are listed in it, and that hasn't led to any abuse. Making sure every member has a membership card would also be useful. Even if TYC doesn't officially have reciprocal privileges with another club, flashing a card might open some doors. As far as events go, having low-key, relaxing fun is the direction I'd like to see. Fun that doesn't require drinking (though I'm no teetotaler), so families will feel welcome. TYCers are welcome at any Coot messabouts they think they may like.

* I already feel welcome. I’m not in it for social events or parties. I’m in it for sailing and racing. More emphasis on those two items is what I would like.

* Again, not sure. We were hugely active and it was huge work 13-20 years ago. I know it may ruffle some feathers, but I liked in the old days when meetings were at restaurants. We drove 80 miles RT for meetings and would prefer to order a meal and beer, rather than add cooking responsibilities.

* The club is pretty inclusive, but I tend to focus on the racing activities. It used to dominate the club's purpose, but has sadly diminished. I would like to see some group kayak activities, or maybe combine some wine tasting with sailing.

* ?????????? I don't honestly know...sorry

* Meet and greets...introductions...member info

* Talking about something other than racing, (men mostly) Ha! Service to community Reason to want to go to boring meetings.

* not sure

* Member sails, member list, event calendar

1. More emphasis on cruising and raft-ups (parties on the water). 2.less emphasis or no emphasis on racing and youth sailing activities. 3. More off season activities.

* Communication with group. Information packet

* the club has been a pretty big zero for years. I stopped attending when it was at The wetlands when Ron and big Mike got into a drunk cursing argument.. often the only 'cruising' non-competitive sailing event is circumfern and I'm usually by myself or with one other boat.

* Member introductions Race party volunteer preparation Saturday social events is BBQs, beer can races, educational opportunities. Sunday afternoon is tough


Fig 7

* Social events added,

* Yes, fellowship and the will to work together. Stop fighting the concept of "change" so damn much. EYC is in and has been in trouble for the same concept which has cost them dearly in members and activities over the years. Marketing

* More educational activities

* Not at the moment.

* More use of the clubhouse & facilities ... Movie night? Game night? (these are in the works, btw)

* Partnership with EYC.

* ?

* Sponsored classes. Free or discounted. With such topics as: single hand sailing, Knot tying, water rescue & CPR.

* San Juan Island group charter for members with interest.

* Can't think of anything at the moment...

* A Crew finder process that is separate from EYC.

* I have been very involved with Fern Ridge sailing since the early 1980s. Most sailors were aged 30-45 years. Now we are older, and don't get around like we used to.

* Perhaps some basic rules instruction for beer can racers to cut down on collisions and incidents.

* updated TYC clothes and shirts and jackets, etc for 2x to 3x.

* More use of the club house

* More social interaction without meetings, or just 15 min. meetings. More service to park environment.

* New member recruitment activities Intro to racing seminars and on-the-water

* Event calendar

* Nothing comes to mind

* classes on whipping line ends and knots. more folks doing non-competitive on water events.


Fig 8

Responses in the “Other” Category:

* Friends. I tried to use the FB page today, but it's all outdated.

* Word of mouth

* Underway LLC where we dry dock our boat

* Word of mouth from other members.

* The Web page needs to be kept up-to-date, and could use some more interesting content

* Taking with other members and Scott Coleman.

* word of mouth

* Word of mouth

* Informal conversation.

* word of mouth

* Friends at eyc

* People in the club-

* Friends that are member

* Text on phone.


Fig 9

Responses in the “Other” Category:

* Reddit r/Fernridgesailing

* presuming the monthly newsletter is circulated by email...no snail mail


Fig 10

Value 1 2 3 4 5

Number of responses: 15 4 3 6 7


Fig 11

Value 1 2 3 4 5

Number of responses: 11 4 11 3 5


Fig 12

Responses in the “Other” Category:

* I hosted and maintained the website for a few years, organized informal dock parties

* I've done several buoy service days over the years. Annual race committee as well. Have served as commodore 2005.

* New out of town member. Saturday day events are all I can commit to

* Not a member, and haven't had any involvement, but am considering it if I can find the time.

* not currently a member

* Out of area, but still vested in the success of the club

* Past volunteer and maybe will again.

* Past volunteer. Will do some non-race and non youth sailing activities as time permits.

* Volunteer organizing boat show. willing to volunteer in other ways

* When I was a member I held every board position except secretary and I have won every award except the dick moody and the emerald cup

* Workd our asses off with big smiles on our face for ~ 8 years, and figured that would cover us as we don't do but a few Beer Can's per season.


Fig 13

Responses in the “Other” Category:

* I have served in many positions and am currently. We need more members to spread the load.

* I live about an hour and 15 minutes away and this limits active participation in person.

* if the club wasn't just a racing club I'd be more inclined to participate

* I've got plenty on my plate already and would only join the board if they get desparate.

* Not unless specifically asked

* We are frequently out of town and are therefore unavailable a substantial amount if the time.


Fig 14

Responses in the “Other” Category:

* I've crewed, it's a good way to become a better sailor but too much acrimony for me.

* Beer cans are fun

* I race every Thursday all season and about a quarter of the Beer Cans

* I'm a cruiser and not interested in racing beyond the beer can race.

* I haven’t participated yet, but would like to crew on someone's boat to get a feel for the races.

* I’m on a boat that races.

* my time for sailing is consumed with EYC events.

* TYCs organization and commitment of it's own members to race is a severe issue. Last years emerald cup combined with the S20 Nationals was a prime example. What should have been an awesome joint effort and advertising moment to bring other sailors from other clubs turned into a strange boycott from it's own membership base. Inconceivable.

* Have raced for 24 years, body wants to sail recreationally


Fig 15


Fig 16

Responses in the “Other” Category:

* Group charter opportunities in SF Bay and Puget Sound

* rope handling

* Rules of the road

* What is the Clean Marina Program. Never heard of it. Is it a committee?

* I am a CERT Team Leader, NW CERT

* Knot

* cooperation with EYC in support of Fern Ridge sailing events

* Anything unique to help current and future boaters

* All that The club could handle and have interest in



* I'm not sure how useful these responses are since I've never been a member of TYC, but I like the idea of being part of a fun sailing community. My problem is that the past few years I haven't been on the water that often. Hoping to change that this year with an early launch.

* TYC has some real potential. I liken the current state to those resistant to do facebook for communication purposes of Fernsail groups. Some I know and have limited accounts but refuse to "change" to help the good of the order. They were sided with rather than people like me who didn't need another type of account added to the 12 I already work with for work, military, school, my kid, social and other. I was willing to change to adapt and add the IO account despite annoying nature of adding another location to check what's going on for something relatively easy. The ones that were unwilling to change need to put up or shut up, otherwise there will be no growth. No change. And nothing will get better. I have some amazing ideas to bring the club forward and want to support TYC badly because they ARE part of our local sailing culture and their strength makes the whole community better. But not if they are going to lay down in the mud and make every step forward a chore.

* Thank you for putting together this good & comprehensive survey, Dan - looking forward to learning the results.

* Looking forward to becoming involved! Thanks.

* I think it would be more clear to have specific meeting dates/times listed on the website instead of the often changing named day and week number, i.e. 2nd Monday of the month.

* I'd like to see TYC make its tent bigger a welcome powerboaters and users of human powered boats (I'm a sailor, motorboater and oarsman), but there should be a way to discourage speedboaters, wakeboarders, skiboaters and PWCers. If not by rule, by creating an atmosphere that won't interest interest these banes to our enjoyment of the lake. Let's have more fun!

* Hope TYC prospers!

* The club has a slight tendency to embrace Oregon Ducks activities. That doesn't have anything to do with sailing. Knock it off.

* we paid dues for 2020.

* It is concerning that the average age of our membership is rising each year, which is indicative of our lack of effort around recruiting younger participants in our sport, not just the club. Many lay people think that sailing is too expensive, not realizing that we all would gladly take them out for a day and would look for them to become regular crew. Also: Racing is about learning to sail better, not winning trophies. We need to keep racing alive as that is one of the draws for the younger crowd.

* Hope more than one person responds

* Nice job Dan

* Thank you for your efforts. Having lead other groups, I understand the difficulty in steering the hive mind. You time and efforts are appreciated!